📚 Dedicated Learner | 🚀 Future Leader in Data Science and Optimization | 🎓 Pursuing MSc-PhD in IEOR and BS in Data Science and Applications from IITs | 📊 Mathematical Statistics Expert | 💻 Python ProgrammerÂ
📚 Dedicated Learner | 🚀 Future Leader in Data Science and Optimization | 🎓 Pursuing MSc-PhD in IEOR and BS in Data Science and Applications from IITs | 📊 Mathematical Statistics Expert | 💻 Python ProgrammerÂ
- Mathematical StatisticsÂ
- Operations Research
- Python
- Operations Analysis
- Optimization Models
- Badminton
- Machine Learning
- 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro BootcampÂ
- Machine Learning A-Z: AI, PythonÂ
- Data Manipulation With Pandas
- Certificate of Appreciation (In Python)
- Data Science Boot Camp Wids
- Intro To Programming